Embarking on the transformative journey with Invisalign aligners opens the door to a radiant smile, but did you know that their effectiveness is closely tied to proper care? A simple daily rinse each time you remove your aligners will help keep them clean. This quick practice prevents the accumulation of bacteria, contributing to a hygienic […]
Understanding Denture Tablet Safety: Are They Toxic?
Have you ever wondered about the safety of those effervescent denture cleaning tablets that promise to leave your dentures sparkling clean? Are they truly effective or are hidden risks lurking within those fizzing bubbles? Explore the safety of denture tablets with our expert dentist in New Westminster. Contact us today to set up a consultation and […]
The Dental Bonding Process: What to Expect During Your Appointment
Teeth that are broken, chipped, or cracked can be fixed using dental bonding in New Westminster. The dentist applies a layer of resin to the tooth throughout the procedure. Next, UV light is used to solidify the resin. It usually lasts a lot longer than enamel and is more robust and sturdy. The resin that […]