Botox has been frequently utilized as a cosmetic technique to soothe facial lines and wrinkles. However, the botulinum toxin from which Botox is created has a lengthy history of therapeutic applications in medicine also.
Additionally, the incorporation of Botox within the field of dentistry is increasing to address disorders like high lip lines, TMD, bruxism, dentures that no longer fit owing to moving jaw muscles, and more, mostly because it is minimally intrusive. Discover what prerequisites a dental clinic needs to fulfill in order to employ botox treatment near you by reading on.
Uses of Botox Therapy in Dental Treatments
Dentists that have received the necessary training can use Botox to help patients with the following:
- Patients who are toothless had their lip muscles rearranged as a result of a reduced vertical dimension benefited from Botox therapy. In these circumstances, dentures won’t always fit, but Botox can relax and retrain the muscles around a new denture to make the transition considerably easier.
- Botox can be used by patients who have a high lip line to relax their lips’ muscles and create a lower, more aesthetically pleasing grin line. This is a popular choice because it offers a more immediate kind of treatment and the overall procedure isn’t very invasive.
- Botox injections can be helpful for patients with temporomandibular joint disorder as well. Because the muscles are overactive in TMJ disorders, there are just a few current treatments available. These muscles can now be readily relaxed with Botox, and a dentist near you can provide effective and speedy pain relief.
- Botox treatments can also lessen bruxism by lowering the force of the associated muscle contractions. These injections could be a helpful supplemental form of treatment for night guard devices.
Botox can undoubtedly provide patients with a lot more cosmetic advantages, but dental patients around the nation will soon have the opportunity to use this type of treatment to address a variety of dental issues.
Last but not least, Botox injections can be a profitable and cost-effective addition to a dentistry clinic, in addition to all the health and cosmetic advantages they can provide. Botox injectable treatments are a terrific method to fight back and boost business margins as insurance-based dental care spreads across the nation.
Who Can Benefit From Dental Botox Treatment?
For people with dental diseases or aesthetic issues with their face or mouth, this therapy can offer a number of advantages. Here are a few instances:
- Botox injections can be used to lessen the muscle tension that contributes to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disease. Botox can relieve pain, headaches, and teeth grinding by relaxing the jaw muscles.
- Bruxism is a disorder in which a person grinds or clenches their teeth, frequently when they are asleep. Botox can be used to relax the muscles that cause tooth grinding, which will lessen pain and protect the teeth.
- A gummy smile occurs when the upper lip raises excessively high during a smile, showing more gum tissue than is ideal. By relaxing the muscles that lift the upper lip, Botox injections can lessen the amount of gum that is visible when smiling.
- The appearance of fine lines and creases around the mouth, also called “smile lines” or “marionette lines,” can be reduced with Botox injections.
- Face asymmetry: By relaxing hyperactive muscles on one side of the face, Botox can be used to improve facial symmetry.
Finding the Right Dentist in New Westminster Who Has Training in Botox
Before receiving any dental botox treatment in New Westminster, it’s crucial to speak with a trained and experienced dental practitioner to make sure the procedure is safe and suitable for your individual requirements.
Make an appointment at a dental clinic at the Artis Dental Centre if you’re interested in learning more about the Botox procedures that are available!